Legacy Ankündigung: Neuer Legacy Content

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Legacy Ankündigung: Neuer Legacy Content Empty Legacy Ankündigung: Neuer Legacy Content

Beitrag  Wing657 So 01 Sep 2024, 14:14

Das Legacy Team hat angekündigt neuen Content zu produzieren und sucht nach Playtestern:

We have been discussing the need for new content to keep the Legacy format fresh and interesting. The first of such projects would likely follow in the steps of Hotshots and Aces 1 and 2, aiming for high accessibility by only requiring a printer. Of course, we are interested in new chassis and other upgrades but these will take more time and thought to implement.

Fundamental to this effort is the need for additional playtesters. The Legacy team is a relatively small, volunteer organization with various demands on their time. In order to bring this content to you, we’ll need your help. Please reach out to me if you’d like to become part of the playtesting team.

Finde die Ankündigung echt gut und hoffe das so neuer Content kommt (ein Zeitplan wäre jedoch nett gewesen) hoffe es finden sich die einen oder anderen Spieletester.


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