X-Wing World-wide map

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X-Wing World-wide map Empty X-Wing World-wide map

Beitrag  Don Padron Sa 14 Okt 2023, 16:35

Das X2PO.org Legacy Team hat eine Weltkarte aufgesetzt für X-Wing Spieler, Turniere, Clubs. Für alle Editionen 2.0/Legacy, 1.0., 2.5 AMG.
Lasst mal ein bisschen aus Deutschland adden.  X-Wing World-wide map 2814660190
X2PO.org schrieb:
X-Wing World-wide map
Hey, you internet lurkers, it's time to come out of the shadows!

We have devised a map for all things X-wing where you can:
add yourself your LGS or Club
promote eventsfind players and communities nearby
Just fill in the appropriate form
Don Padron
Don Padron
Einwohner des MER

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